A child’s early school education is very important.

It is no secret, that when buying a home, a good school district is very important.

It’s for a good reason too. Our children spend around 184 days a year for 7 hours a day for 13 to 14 years there. This means, their peers and school staff have a big part in shaping our children. With it being such a huge factor in daily life, it is no surprise that a good school zone with high grades, is high on the home “wish list” for many 18-55 year olds. In-fact, according to Realtor.com, 78% of buyers in their preferred school district gave up home features to get there.  Some of the features that buyers are willing to give up include a garage (19%), updated kitchen (17%), desired number of bedrooms (17%) and large outdoor living area (16%).

Being a parent myself, I understand making sacrifices for my children (or future kids). But before giving up all amenities for the “A” school, you may want to give a thought to a few other things besides the grade.

First, ask yourself a few questions…What does your child need? Do they need smaller class sizes?  Do they need extra help in subjects? Will the school be willing to work with you and your child? Are they self-motivators or do they need extra motivation?  Do you want a more diverse place? Will your child be challenged enough? Are there other options that for your child that does not have an assigned district like Magnet, IB, Virtual or a Private school?

Next, look at what the it has to offer. Not all schools offer the same classes, electives, after-school programs and support.

Finally, find out more “non-grade” information on the schools. School grades may not show all the information needed to make the best school choice for your family. Check out websites like https://www.publicschoolreview.com/. Websites like this can give you in site on school numbers, classroom ratios, diversity, etc.  Talk to other parents. Many involved parents will have plenty to say about the pros and cons of the school their child goes to.

When purchasing your home there are many decisions to be made. And there is never “a one size fits all” answer. What are the “must haves” on your list when purchasing a new house?

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Is The School District Important When Buying A House?
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